


Our 生活学习社区 (LLCs) provide students the opportunity to live alongside peers who share similar interests in an environment that intentionally facilitates increased interaction with 教师 and 工作人员 across various areas of the university. 有限责任公司为社区成员提供围绕社区主题专门设计的有意义的体验. 除了强调学生的形成,还定义了电子游戏软件的住宿体验, 有限责任公司越来越关注以下领域:














Full Description

The 公元前F1RST Living 学习 社区 is an inclusive community dedicated to supporting first-year, 第一代, 低收入家庭的学生正在向大学过渡. 公元前F1RST有限责任公司与学习 to Learn办公室合作,提供各种各样的课程, 活动, 以及帮助会员与第一代同胞联系的服务, 一年级大学生, 工作人员, 教师, 和管理员. 鼓励参加者发展支援网络,以促进个人发展, 追求学术卓越, 增强他们的大学经历. 通过小组讨论不同的话题, 学生将获得更多的知识和信心,这将使他们在BC取得成功. Students who choose the 公元前F1RST LLC are required to enroll in the Applications of 学习 Theory (UNAS 1005) course during the Fall semester. The Applications of 学习 Theory course will assist with the academic and intellectual transition to BC and will help students build confidence in their academic abilities.

The 公元前F1RST Living 学习 社区 is an inclusive living community dedicated to supporting first-year, 第一代, 低收入家庭的学生正在向大学过渡. 

公元前:办公室/ res-life / llc-search-tags / bc-f1rst
Fr. Rutilio Grande跨文化体验

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The Fr. Rutilio Grande, S.J., Intercultural Experience Living 学习 社区 provides an opportunity for incoming first year students from diverse backgrounds to reflect on their personal identities and to connect with other individuals in the community who may have shared or similar identities or lived experiences. GIE注重包括种族在内的各种形式的多样性, 性别, 性取向, 种族, 体能, 宗教, 和更多的. Students in this community will live in an inclusive community dedicated to promoting the understanding of difference and celebrating 多样性. 通过小组讨论多元文化主义, 多样性, 社会正义, 以及对身份的探索, 学生将获得一个扩展的世界观, 从而创造了一个安全的, 欢迎, 为所有人提供有趣的生活空间.

The Fr. Rutilio Grande, S.J., Intercultural Experience (GIE) Living 学习 社区 is a diverse community of first year students who are committed to celebrating differences and to deepening their understanding of 社会正义 and cultural competence.

公元前:办公室/ res-life / llc-search-tags / grande-intercultural-experience
Fr. Rutilio Grande跨文化体验2.0

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The Fr. Rutilio Grande, S.J., Intercultural Experience Living 学习 社区 for sophomores is a diverse community of students who are dedicated to creating an environment where 多样性 is celebrated and hope to become agents of social change. 这个社区是为致力于领导力发展的学生而设的, 他们认为领导力是一个促进社会变革的合作过程. 学生们将进一步发展自己的领导能力, 探索他们的激情所在, 并运用知识对他们的社区产生积极影响.


Students who participate in GIE their first year are not guaranteed placement in GIE 2.0.

The Fr. Rutilio Grande, S.J.跨文化体验2.0 . give 2。.0) Living 学习 社区 is a Living 学习 社区 for sophomores interested in exploring issues of 多样性 and 社会正义. 

公元前:办公室/ res-life / llc-search-tags / grande-2-0

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The 健康生活 社区 (HLC) aims to provide students an opportunity to define what a healthy lifestyle entails for them individually and as a community. HLC还为学生提供在无酒精环境中生活的机会, 烟草和其他有害物质. Residents who live in a 健康生活 社区 have access to a variety of social programming and unique partnership with the Center for Student Wellness. All students living in HLC are required to complete a Be Well Health Coaching session through the Center for Student Wellness. 这个社区鼓励成员保持一种有助于学业成功的生活方式, 个人发展, 幸福, 还有一种社区意识. Residents work to promote healthy choices within the hall and throughout the University through a variety of programs.

Through engagement with the twelve dimensions of health, the 健康生活 社区 provides a space for students to explore what health and wellbeing means in their individual lives, 尤其是在一个没有酒精的生活环境中, 烟草, 以及其他物质的使用.

一年级学生 Upperclass
公元前:办公室/ res-life / llc-search-tags / healthy-living-community
正义 & 共同利益

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The 正义 & 共同利益 Living 学习 社区 is a residential community for incoming first-year MCAS students who would like to deepen their interests in 社会正义, 文化的多样性, 共同利益. Students in the JCG LLC gain new tools for reflecting on and leading social transformation in pursuit of justice, 股本, and universal flourishing. 
The JCG LLC Supplemental Application can be found here.

The 正义 & 共同利益 (JCG) Living 学习 社区 unites incoming first-year MCAS students passionate about 社会正义, 文化的多样性, 共同利益.

公元前:办公室/ res-life / llc-search-tags / justice-and-the-common-good

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科斯特卡女人’s Experience Living 学习 社区 is a community where  residents participate in conversations around women’s issues, 赋予女性, 以及女性的领导力. 科斯特卡女人&的经验 LLC通过晚餐和讨论系列提供参与, 撤退, 以及在领导岗位上与女性交流的机会.  通过Kostka妇女&的经验, 社区成员加深了他们对个人健康的承诺, 探索和发展他们的身份, 参与有意义的对话.

Kostka Women’s Experience Living 学习 社区 provides first year students with the opportunity to engage in conversation about women’s issues, 重点是赋予妇女权力和妇女领导能力.

公元前:办公室/ res-life / llc-search-tags / kostka-womens-experience
视角的生活 & 学习

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The 视角的生活 学习 社区 is an academic initiative for first year students that possesses a distinct bond between an academic course and a residential living community. Students who live in this community are afforded the opportunity to participate in specialized programming which creates links with the Perspectives curriculum, 在学生之间建立更深的关系, 教师, 和管理员, 并建立了一个强大的同伴群体. 这个项目的目标是促进真正的友谊的发展,这种友谊既包括智力上的,也包括社交上的. 这种共同的纽带和社会互动增加了学习注意力和与同学的联系.

视角的生活 学习 社区 provides incoming first year students the option to enroll in the Perspectives course and experience specific programming in their residential community that promotes deeper relationships because of the shared living experience. 

公元前:办公室/ res-life / llc-search-tags /观点

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The 其他学者 program is a living learning community for first-year nursing students that are interested and committed to increasing the 多样性 of the nursing profession. 有色人种学生, 第一代大学生, 我们强烈鼓励蒙特塞拉特学生申请Seacole学者项目. 学者将被要求参加一门以多样性为重点的1学分课程, 股本, 和包容. 除了1学分的Seacole学者研讨会, Seacole学者还将注册透视和所需的护理课程(解剖学和生理学I), 生命科学化学, 护理一年级研讨会). 这个特别的观点部分将特别关注关于痛苦主题的问题和主张, 关爱, 对自己和他人负责, 以及它们与上帝存在问题和现代科学兴起的关系, 并将完成哲学和神学的核心要求. 

The 其他学者 Living 学习 社区 is a unique academic opportunity for first year nursing students from underrepresented backgrounds that are interested and committed to increasing the 多样性 of the nursing profession.

公元前:办公室/ res-life / llc-search-tags / seacole-scholars

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The 邵逸夫领袖计划 is a unique Living 学习 社区 run through the Office of 住宅生活. 每年夏天, 我们将从竞争激烈的申请者中选出20名积极进取的一年级新生 &# 34;肖班" for that graduating class. 在项目的第一年, 学生住在逸夫书院, 参加每月一次的领导力研讨会, 参加社区服务, 并运用他们所学的技能来创建和完成一个领导力项目. 在每月的研讨会上, 向学生介绍肖领导模式,该模式基于三个原则:领导教育, 服务, 社区参与.

The 邵逸夫领袖计划 provides a unique on campus living environment for 20 students who are interested in further developing their leadership skills through seminars, 撤退, 并与高年级的Shaw协调员进行指导.

公元前:办公室/ res-life / llc-search-tags / shaw-leadership-program