思想引领型教师, dynamic learning opportunities, 全球知名大学的资源使我们的MBA学生掌握专业技能, 建立自己的品牌, and accelerate their careers. 



一个两年制的学位,提供的技能和见解,你需要把你的职业生涯到一个新的水平. Small class sizes provide you with a personalized experience, and you can tailor your MBA to your goals through robust elective offerings.

  • Two years to complete a degree
  • 校园计划
  • Experiential learning opportunities
  • 不同人群




  • On average, students take two courses per semester
  • Average time to complete is three years
  • 符合条件的候选人可能有资格获得高级学分,并有机会放弃一些核心课程.



“Coming from getting a liberal arts degree in undergrad, 然后在金融行业工作, primarily in client servicing and relationship management, I didn’t truly understand the importance of good data analytics skills. 英国广播公司给了我一个我一直缺乏的工具包,并有机会利用它来发挥我的优势.”

凯特Uehlinger (全日制MBA课程 ’19)
Sr. 口香糖副品牌经理 & 薄荷糖,火星


“从一开始,不列颠哥伦比亚省MBA项目的网络和品牌认知度就为我打开了大门. 兼职项目的灵活性使我能够更快地晋升到承担更大责任的职位, while enabling me to apply classroom concepts in real time.”

迈克·巴顿 (兼职MBA ’17)


当今的商业领袖必须了解他们组织的数据能力,并知道如何使用最新的分析工具来推动明智的决策. BC MBA的数据分析序列使所有学生能够自信地处理跨工作职能和行业的数据.

BC MBA 数据分析序列


Want to learn more about the BC MBA Program? 我们的MBA大使在这里为您提供从课程作业到一切的见解, 来实习, to student and community life.

Connect with an ambassador by emailing bcambassadors@euromedalex.net.





Our practice is to evaluate every admitted part-time MBA student for a merit based scholarship. In addition to scholarships, our team evaluates every admitted part-time MBA candidate for advanced standing credit—a potential savings of time and tuition expense. Eligible candidates may qualify for a waiver of up to five MBA courses (for a maximum of 15 credits), based upon prior coursework and/or professional certifications (e.g. CPA, CFA). This translates to potential tuition savings of up to $31,830 (based on 2023-2024 tuition rates).

Part-time MBA students may also apply for federally-funded financial aid. Learn more by visiting the Office of Student Services website.

Course Waiver Policy

Can I opt into the STEM-designated track any time?

Each year there will be a final deadline by which incoming students can declare their intent to enroll in the STEM-designated track. 在截止日期之后,学生将无法注册stem指定的课程.

Can I view a list of STEM-designated electives?
Can international students apply to part-time graduate programs?

电子游戏软件 does not sponsor the F-1 student visa for part-time students. 希望在非全日制基础上攻读电子游戏正规平台生学位的国际学生必须获得资助. 如果你需要学生签证,那么你只有资格申请全日制课程.

Can part-time students enroll in the MBA STEM-designated track?

No. The STEM-designated track is only available for 全日制MBA课程 students. 

Do I need work experience to qualify for the full-time MBA program?

Applicants are evaluated on a number of criteria, including transcripts, test scores, essays, recommendations, and employment history. While work experience is not required, we recommend that you have at least two years of professional work experience before entering the full-time MBA program; the average work experience in recent classes has been four and a half years. Only a small number of applicants are accepted directly out of college. To learn more about our current students’ qualifications, view the class profile.


For information about the MBA program for military students, view the Information for U.S. Military Veterans page.


No. Since total required credit hours remain the same, tuition is not affected.


No. 57学时的毕业要求仍然适用于所有全日制MBA学生, including those completing the STEM-designated track.

Does the full-time MBA program have a diverse student body?

Yes, our full-time MBA students bring a wealth of diverse experiences from a variety of ethnic, national, personal, and professional backgrounds. This diversity contributes to a rich cultural and global perspective that influences teamwork and classroom discussions. To learn more, view the class profile.

How do I apply for the STEM-designated track?

Full-time MBA applicants go through the regular application process. 在应用中, 申请人将有机会在申请中表明他们对stem指定课程的兴趣. 它没有约束力, 不会对委员会覆核申请产生正面或负面影响. 被录取的申请人在提交电子游戏软件表格时,将能够确认他们有意攻读stem指定的课程. 虽然不是必需的, 申请人也可以在申请论文中说明他们对stem指定方向的兴趣.

How does the STEM-designated MBA affect international students?

Under current federal policy, international students (e.g., 持有F-1学生签证的学生在美国居住两个全日制学期后,有资格在美国从事课程实践培训(CPT)工作. CPT allows international students to have paid internships in the US. 毕业后,这些学生有资格参加选择性专业培训(OPT).

For a non-STEM degree, OPT can last for up to one year, enabling the student to pursue a job in a US-based company. 获得STEM学位, OPT可额外延长24个月(如雇主设计合理), 因此,完成stem指定课程的国际学生可以在美国工作长达3年.

How long does it take to complete the part-time MBA program?

The average time is three to four years, and most students take two courses each semester. Our program, however, provides the opportunity to complete their degrees in as little as two years.

View a sample degree road map and get a better understanding of which classes you would take to complete your degree over the course of two, three, and four years.

If I don’t complete the requirements for the STEM-designated track, can I still graduate with the MBA degree?

Yes, as long as you successfully complete the requirements for the MBA, you will still be able to earn an MBA without the STEM track designation.

In what industries are full-time MBA graduates employed?

The 电子游戏软件 full-time MBA program is a cross-functional degree with a strong emphasis on teamwork and a global perspective. Because our MBA students enter the program with an average of four years of work experience in a range of career fields, they are able to make immediate contributions to the organizations where they are employed in a wide range of industries. For more information about where our graduates work, view our placement data.

Is the STEM designation available to all MBA students?

The STEM designation was approved by 电子游戏软件 in Fall 2022. 此时此刻, the STEM-designated track is only available to full-time MBA students, beginning with the class that entered in Fall 2022.

Is the STEM designation listed on my diploma?

No. All MBA diplomas will read “Master of Business Administration.” The STEM designation will be noted on your transcript.

Is the STEM-designated track a dual degree?

No, the STEM-designated track is one degree. 然而,攻读该课程的学生有资格完成MBA/MSF双学位. 对双学位感兴趣的学生应咨询电子游戏正规平台生招生处,了解合并课程的详细信息.


Students can drop the STEM-designated track at any time; however, 一旦你选择退出, you will not be able to opt back in.

What is an MBA STEM-designated track?

A STEM-designated MBA curriculum reflects the increasing quantitative focus of  skills needed by today’s businesses. 越来越多的公司开始依赖于所有功能领域的技术和分析. 我们的stem指定课程非常强调统计学, 数据驱动决策理论, 信息技术, 数据安全, 数据可视化, 人工智能, 编程, 和优化, present throughout the core curriculum as well as electives.

Why might I choose to not pursue the STEM-designated curriculum?

Although this designation is valuable, it may not align with your career goals. STEM课程非常强调数学、科学和技术在商业中的应用. 有些职业道路需要其他技能,而这些技能可能无法让你获得stem指定的学位. 如果你不确定,我们鼓励你咨询你的学术和职业顾问.

Will I be able to choose the specific STEM-approved electives I want to take?

As with all of our graduate management programs, 电子游戏正规平台生服务办公室将确保学生注册符合毕业要求的课程, but we cannot guarantee a student’s choice of electives.



电子游戏软件的耶稣会传统是卡罗尔学校社区的核心. 我们的电子游戏正规平台生通过为当地非营利组织提供无偿服务或在服务不足的社区担任导师,将大学对更大利益的承诺变为现实.
