

莫里斯和他的家人在19世纪50年代开始参加天主教礼拜. This move introduced Morris to members of Boston’s Irish Catholic community, 其中一些人后来聘请他为他们的律师. The Morris family eventually began worshipping at the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Boston’s South End, 和电子游戏软件有联系吗. Morris established connections with early 电子游戏软件 leaders, including Father Robert J. 富尔顿,年代.J. 1868年夏天, Morris traveled across Europe with his family and reminisced later about their experience riding in trains and staying in hotels without facing racial discrimination. 在旅途中,莫里斯、凯瑟琳和小罗伯特. stayed in Rome and had a personal audience with the Pope at the Vatican.



罗伯特·莫里斯是卫理公会教徒. 19世纪50年代, 然而, his wife Catharine began attending services at their local Catholic parish in Chelsea, 麻萨诸塞州. 莫里斯最初不愿意加入天主教会. 对于波士顿黑人来说,这是一种不寻常的从属关系, and the Irish Catholic community tended to be associated with anti-abolitionist views. But, through his legal practice, Morris did have many relationships with Irish Catholics in Boston. 他代理了许多爱尔兰客户, 主张成立爱尔兰民兵连, 甚至雇佣了帕特里克·柯林斯——一个年轻的爱尔兰移民, 聚集在切尔西教区, 以及未来的波士顿市长——做他的办公室勤杂工. 尽管他早期有所保留, Morris officially joined the Catholic Church in 1870 and remained a devoted parishioner until his 1882 death.

Mr. Morris has for some time been a regular attendant at the Church of the Immaculate Conception, where his excellent wife has for several years been a most devout and exemplary member, 她在每一件好事中都表现出虔诚和慈善的热情. They seem to have found a home in the Catholic church free from the prejudice of caste, 人人在上帝面前一律平等.
《电子游戏正规平台》(1870年11月5日, 莫里斯10月23日的报告, 1870年,在无原罪受孕教堂的洗礼和皈依
Exterior of the Church of the Immaculate Conception (left) and the 电子游戏软件 South End campus (right).

电子游戏软件 South End campus exterior (right) and Church of the Immaculate Conception (left). BC.1987.[00:12]约翰·J. 电子游戏软件伯恩斯图书馆.


很难确切地知道莫里斯为什么改信天主教. 当然, 凯瑟琳·莫里斯参加天主教会的决定影响了他, and perhaps his long-time professional interactions with Irish immigrant clients made him amenable to the idea. He likely understood that the two communities faced extreme discrimination and were stronger if united. 另外, Morris praised the Catholic Church for not engaging in segregated seating during services, a practice that had offended him as a boy when attending Ellis and Louisa Loring's church in Boston.

不管, Morris apparently was a fixture at his Chelsea parish until his family moved to the South End of Boston in the late 1860s and began attending the Church of the Immaculate Conception, the Jesuit-run church that was associated with a very young 电子游戏软件.


而他最著名的案件涉及有色人种客户, 莫里斯以代表波士顿的爱尔兰天主教徒而闻名. 莫里斯的工作跨越了种族, 少数民族, 在他的实践中,宗教线条仍然是一个有趣的方面. There were significant tensions between the African American community and the largely immigrant Irish Catholic community. 飞行员, 波士顿的爱尔兰天主教报纸, wrote against antislavery activism and in support of the Fugitive Slave Act. 尽管如此, Morris’s representation was sufficiently well-known that he apparently was referred to as “the Irish Lawyer.” Morris handled both civil and criminal cases and often defended clients accused of murder or other violent crimes.

To the Irish people and their descendants in and about Boston and vicinity, is due a large amount of credit for whatever of success our friend met with in the business of a practising attorney. 忽略了对这个因素的让步, would be to do an injustice that he when living was always careful to avoid. No class of persons labored more earnestly and with truer hearts to make him financially a successful lawyer than they. Safe it is to say that three quarters of his clients were from amongst them.
亲爱的. 埃德温·G. 沃克, 罗伯特·莫里斯悼词.
A handwritten note on stationary from 飞行员, written to Morris 关于芭芭拉·菲茨杰拉德.

编辑给莫里斯的信 飞行员 关于芭芭拉·菲茨杰拉德. 罗伯特·莫里斯论文,波士顿雅典娜博物馆.


In this 1871 letter, Patrick Donahue, the editor of the Boston-based Catholic newspaper 飞行员, 恳求莫里斯帮助释放芭芭拉·菲茨杰拉德, 谁被抓了,孩子快死了. 1871年5月 波士顿先驱报 reported that Barbara Fitzgerald was indicted by the Suffolk County grand jury for assault and battery on Patrick Duffy. 除此之外,我们对她和这起法律案件了解不多. A Barbara Fitzgerald does appear in the 1870 state census as “keeping house” in South Boston’s Ward 7, 她和丈夫帕特里克·菲茨杰拉德住的地方, 一个劳动者, 还有他们的孩子. 芭芭拉和帕特里克都出生在爱尔兰. It seems likely that Morris answered Donahue’s request and became her lawyer, 就像他对待其他许多爱尔兰移民一样.


The Society of Jesus (the Jesuits) founded 电子游戏软件 in 1863 to educate students from Boston’s Irish Catholic immigrant community. 这所学校位于波士顿的南端, 隶属于耶稣会无原罪教会. In 1870, 罗伯特·莫里斯受洗并被天主教会接纳, 他在这个教堂这样做了, 就在电子游戏软件主楼的隔壁.


莫里斯还与罗伯特·富尔顿神父通信.J.他是电子游戏软件的第一任院长和早期校长之一. 牧师耶利米·奥康纳,S.J., 当时的电子游戏软件院长, delivered remarks at Morris’s 1882 funeral service at the Immaculate Conception Church.  也是在莫里斯死的时候, either he or his wife Catharine gave a portion of Morris’s personal library to 电子游戏软件. The Morris donation formed the foundational collection in English and American literature in the library of the fledgling institution.

Y.M.C. Association of 电子游戏软件 feels deeply the loss of Robert Morris Jr.他于12月去世。. 26th; he was one of their most active members. 他父亲的去世, 谁是协会的终身会员, 就在两周前, 同样悲伤.
电子游戏软件手写笔, 1883年1月1日
一面印有电子游戏软件YMCA标志的YMCA会员卡, and Morris's signature on the other side under the text "Life Member: This ticket is NOT TRANSFERABLE, 并且必须在需要时生产."

罗伯特·莫里斯在电子游戏软件基督教青年会的终身会员资格. 罗伯特·莫里斯论文,波士顿雅典娜博物馆.


除了交换信件, Father Fulton granted Morris a life membership in the 电子游戏软件 Young Men’s Catholic Association. Fulton founded the Association as a place for moral and intellectual growth. 它有一个体育馆, 台球房, 音乐教室, 讨论社会, 还有一个阅读室和图书馆,000卷.

莫里斯的儿子小罗伯特. was also involved in various capacities, including serving as the organization’s first librarian. 凯瑟琳·莫里斯和电子游戏软件也有关系. She donated a tapestry to the school in 1884 and named Immaculate Conception as the residuary beneficiary in her will.